接受工程师的教育可能会令人兴奋,但这并不适合所有人。拥有休斯敦-透明湖大学的电气工程专业的工程学预科专业,您可以研究自己对工程学的兴趣,同时为将来保留各种选择。该计划将使您沉浸于未来工程学所需的知识,并且您仍将享受标准的核心课程,从而为您提供全面的教育。即使在此处完成工程学前的准备,请访问: UHCL,您应该清点下一步。您可以申请休斯顿大学主校区库伦工程学院的录取。您也可以留在UHCL并在科学与工程学院攻读我们的精彩课程之一,甚至可以转学到该国的任何其他大学。重要的是您有选择,我们希望您了解它们。您应该与
Pursuing an education as an engineer can be exciting, but it's not for everyone. With a Pre-Engineering Specialization in Electrical Engineering from University of Houston-Clear Lake, you can investigate your interest in the field of engineering while keeping your options open for your future. The program will immerse you in the knowledge you'll need for future in engineering, and you'll still enjoy the standard core curriculum courses to give you a well-rounded education.Even before you complete your Pre-Engineering track here at UHCL, you should take stock of your next steps. You could apply for admission to the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston main campus. You could also remain at UHCL and pursue one of our fantastic programs in the College of Science and Engineering or even transfer to any other university in the country. What matter is that you have options, and we want you to understand them. You should speak to an adviser for clarity about your choices, because you want to do what's right for your education and career.