High School Transcript is required
An official transcript (preferred) includes the school's official seal or the signature of a school administrator and is either sent directly from the school or submitted in an envelope sealed by the school. Your high school counselor can also email a high school transcript and it will be considered official if submitted from a school email address as verification.
Unofficial transcripts are sufficient to complete your application file
Your transcript must show:
Grades received through the end of the junior year
Electronic copies are accepted through a secure source (i.e. Parchment, Naviance, TRex, Slate.org, Scribbles, National Clearinghouse, SCOIR and Greenlight).
Paper transcripts may be mailed to the following address and are received in 2-4 weeks.
Official IELTS score of 6.5
Official TOEFL score of 80
GPA - 3.0
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE - 60
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
The Mechanical Engineering major (designated as a pre-major) helps students build a strong engineering foundation by studying thermal/fluids, materials/mechanical systems and design. In addition to foundational mechanical engineering courses, students can further specialize by choosing electives that will improve their ability to apply fundamentals and to design machines and energy systems. Available courses include:<br>Mechanical Vibrations<br>Thermodynamics<br>Composite Materials<br>Heat Transfer<br>Biomechanics<br>Additionally, there are organizations dedicated specifically to mechanical Engineering students. From the Society of Automotive Engineers Baja, to National Society of Black Engineers to Engineers with a Mission, students will have opportunities to engage in leadership, professional development, student projects and service. Mechanical Engineer majors can expect to find job opportunities in many positions and industries including aerospace, architecture, oil and gas, and many others. Many students also continue their education in the engineering field at Baylor and other institutions.