A bachelors degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university.
To submit and complete your application you must upload a PDF file of your unofficial transcript directly to your online application Unofficial transcripts must be in English.
Please ensure that the scanned documents are readable and include all courses grades ie marks scores etc and credits completed to date The scanned documents should also include information about the institutions grading scale If admitted you will need to provide your official transcript For a transcript to be official it must be in a sealed envelope from the transferring college or university.
Other Documents -
Statement of purpose - 500 words minimum.
Letters of recommendation 2 or 3 for graduate programs.
Curriculum vitae CV Resume.
TOEFL 85, IELTS 7, gpa - 3.0
- 雅思总分:
- 托福网考总分:
- 托福笔试总分:
- 其他语言考试:
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通过东北大学跨学科的数据分析工程理学硕士(MS-DAE)计划,您将在现有的工程基础上进一步发展,从而在各种企业中获得就业,以改善其产品,流程,系统,通过优化,统计,机器学习和可视化的力量,您和企业。You’’可以灵活地通过东北地区(包括企业, MS-DAE是希望在数据分析和优化方面发展专业知识以解决问题并支持决策的人士的理想选择。MS-DAE是理想的选择。对于那些对通过开发算法和计算工具来生成,收集和挖掘数据的过程更感兴趣的人,Northeastern’的Khoury计算机和信息科学学院还提供
The Master of Science in Data Analytics Engineering offers students an opportunity to train for industry jobs or to acquire rigorous analytical skills and research experience to prepare for a doctoral program in health, security, and sustainability at Northeastern University.<br><br>Potential career paths: Systems Analyst, Data Analyst<br>If you want to earn your master’s in Data Analytics Engineering at Northeastern, Global Pathways can help you succeed through rigorous language training, cultural activities, and support.<br><br>The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering offers the Master of Science in Data Analytics Engineering in order to meet the current and projected demand for a workforce trained in analytics. While the core courses for this program are offered by the College of Engineering, elective courses can be chosen from diverse disciplines spread across various colleges at Northeastern. The program is designed to enable graduating students to address the growing need for professionals who are trained in advanced data analytics and can transform large streams of data into understandable and actionable information for the purpose of making decisions. The key sectors that require analytics professionals include healthcare, smart manufacturing, supply chain and logistics, national security, defense, banking, finance, marketing, and human resources.