The Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering (MS in AMEE) program is designed to offer an opportunity to individuals who are inspired for leadership positions in industry, government and academia. The MS in AMEE is truly an interdisciplinary program founded on the strong collaboration of many academic departments and the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems (CAMLS). Graduate students are exposed to research problems through projects with the industry consortium members of CAMLS and its state-of-the-art laboratory facilities.<br>The Master of Science program in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering (M.S. in AMEE) is designed to offer an opportunity to individuals for continued study toward positions of leadership in industry and academia and for continuing technical education in a more specialized area. The graduates of this program will have the fundamental knowledge and understanding of the operational complexity of enterprises, manufacturing and business process improvement/optimization, and integrated product/process/system design. In addition, they will have the cognitive skills to critically evaluate the potential benefits of alternative manufacturing strategies, to use virtual/simulated platforms to facilitate and improve business processes, and to analyze enterprise systems as systems of interacting units, components, and subsystems. The program offers three concentration areas, namely Advanced Manufacturing, Enterprise Engineering, and Sustainable Systems Engineering.