While grade point averages and test scores are important, most programs consider a number of factors for admission. In general, most graduate programs require:
A bachelor's degree (or higher) or the equivalent from an accredited, government-recognized university. These degrees are generally four-year-long programs.
B average or higher from your undergraduate study (3.0/4.0 GPA, or equivalent).
3 letters of recommendation.
A personal statement.
Official transcripts for all post-secondary coursework completed.
Transcripts reflecting all undergraduate and/or post-baccalaureate study from each international and U.S. college/university. Departments can begin the review of an application with uploaded unofficial transctips. If offered admission, you will be required to supply official transcripts. Official transcripts are those that come directly to MSU from the previously attended university. If needed, you may need to supply an English translation and transcription to US standards.
Internet-based TOEFL Test (iBT) 80
Paper-based TOEFL Test (PBT) 550
Duolingo - 120
MSU reserves the right to question the evaluation of all non-U.S. academic credentials/transcripts. We recommend using an accredited translation/transcription company.
Three (3) Year Bachelor's Degrees: MSU accepts a three year Bachelor's degree from applicants. You are welcome to submit an application which will be reviewed by the department to determine whether you are a strong enough candidate to be admitted. If admitted, you may be asked to take some undergraduate courses at the start of your graduate degree at MSU to strengthen your background

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo - 120
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
天文学和天体物理学小组活跃于超质量黑洞和吸积动力学,恒星质量黑洞和中子星的观测和理论。中子星含有宇宙中最密集的已知物质,也是最强的磁场,一立方厘米的中子星物质的质量为一亿公吨,而磁场则高达1015 G(1011 T)。天文学和天体物理学小组研究中子星的旋转动力学,热演化和爆炸现象,以推断出恒星内部的特性和动力学。基本上,每个巨大的星系,包括我们自己的银河系,在其中心都有一个超大质量的黑洞。这些巨大的黑洞的质量可以增长到太阳质量的十亿倍以上。超级恒星团是当地宇宙中最强烈的恒星形成恒星爆发的产物。星系在宇宙时
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Group is active in observations and theory of supermassive black holes and accretion dynamics, stellar-mass black holes, and neutron stars. Neutron stars contain the densest known matter in the Universe and the strongest magnetic fields, a cubic centimeter of neutron-star matter has a mass of one hundred million metric tons, while magnetic fields are as large as 1015 G (1011 T). The Astronomy and Astrophysics Group studies neutron-star rotational dynamics, thermal evolution, and explosive phenomena to deduce the properties and dynamics of the stellar interior. Essentially every massive galaxy, including our own Milky Way, harbors a supermassive black hole at its center. These giant black holes can grow to have masses more than a billion times the mass of our Sun. Super star clusters are the product of the most intense bursts of star formation star formations in the local Universe. Galaxies form and grow hierarchically over cosmic time. Small galaxies formed first in the early Universe and through continual mergers built up larger galaxies like our own Milky Way.