We welcome applications from students who will have earned bachelor’s degrees at accredited institutions by Fall 2022. The majority of our applicants major in physics in their undergraduate education, but some obtain their degrees in related fields such as electrical engineering or mathematics. The department has on occasion admitted interested students who focused on social sciences or even humanities as undergraduates. Certified undergraduate transcripts must be sent directly from the undergraduate institution to the NC State Graduate School. Transcripts must be received from all undergraduate institutions that the applicant attended.
Three letters of recommendation must be included from people qualified to judge the prospective student’s ability to succeed in graduate school. These can be submitted electronically via the application system or via hard copy to the Department of Physics Graduate Office.
GRE Scores. We are aware that the ability to take GRE Subject tests is currently limited due to the Covid pandemic. If you have prior test results, we will be able to consider them, but do not require submission. Passing the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a score of 80 or above, passing IELTS (International English Language System) with with an overall band score of at least 6.5 , Toefl paper-based test requires a score of 550 or higher (with scores of 50 on at least two of the three sections and no section score below 45). Applicants will submit a CV and candidate statement. The candidate statement should describe why the applicant is pursuing a graduate degree, what research experience and accomplishments the candidate has obtained, and possible research interests and advisers. Finally the candidate should address special or unusual aspects of their educational career.
Applicants are able to submit additional materials at their discretion. For instance, these include publications or copies of posters that were presented at scientific meetings.

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:DuoLingo with a score of at least 110.
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
北卡罗来纳州立大学的实验核物理研究包括低能核物理,原子核混乱,基本相互作用,核天体物理学和中微子的各种实验。该学院及其研究生在附近的设施(TUNL和PULSTAR)以及美国境内外的各个实验室进行研究。该小组强烈致力于应对具有技术挑战性的实验,以解决基本的物理问题。学生将获得动手实验的技能,并有机会与来自世界各地的合作者一起工作。物理系提供出色的研究生课程,为毕业生做好学术和物理职业前景的准备。我们的博士学位 该计划提供了令人振奋的学术氛围,并高度重视促进物理学前沿的研究。我们的两个硕士课程(有学位和无学位
Experimental nuclear physics research at NC State includes a wide variety of experiments in low-energy nuclear physics, chaos in nuclei, fundamental interactions, nuclear astrophysics and neutrinos. The faculty and their graduate students conduct research at nearby facilities (TUNL and PULSTAR) and at various laboratories in and outside the U.S. The group is strongly oriented toward technically challenging experiments that deal with fundamental physics problems. Students gain hands-on skills in experiments and have the opportunity to work with collaborators from around the world. The Department of Physics offers outstanding graduate programs to prepare graduates for bright futures in academia and physics careers. Our Ph.D. program offers an exciting intellectual climate and a strong emphasis on research that advances the frontiers of physics. Our two M.S. programs (with thesis and without) prepare students to continue on to a Ph.D. degree or pursue career options. We envision North Carolina State University's Department of Physics as performing creative, highly visible research in fundamental and applied science. Our vision blends fundamental physics and applications, theory and experiment, and integrates research and innovative teaching to create a vibrant intellectual atmosphere within a welcoming and collegial environment.