Transcripts - Official high school transcripts are required. Copy of attested or official transcripts, marksheets, academic records, diplomas, national examination results, certificates or degrees received from all secondary, post-secondary, university and/or professional schools. Students from India: Please note that we do not accept consolidated marksheets. Individual marksheets showing all attempts, failures and retakes are required. Upload or mail your academic records from all secondary schools attended. If your transcripts, diploma, or any other academic documents are not in English, you MUST include an official English translation.Include any AP, IB, and/or GCE scores. You may be eligible for transfer credit for the following exams and qualifying scores: Metropolitan Campus AP Policy or Florham Campus AP Policy IB Diploma/ Certificates: 5 or higher per Higher Level exam.IELTS - 6, TOEFLIBT - 70.

- 雅思总分:6
- 托福网考总分:70
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE (A) - 53
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
对网络安全专业人员的需求很高,并且在未来几年中,公共和私营部门的需求都将进一步增长。需要网络安全专业人员来保护金融,通信,能源和运输行业以及政府中的计算机网络和系统免受网络攻击。美国国家安全局(NSA)和国土安全部(DHS)已指定费尔利·狄金森大学为2012年至2015学年的国家信息保证教育学术卓越中心(CAE / CDE),该中心最近更新为从2015年到2020年。此网页上描述的信息保证(IA)学术计划有助于传授捍卫美国网络空间所需的技能和培训。我们的网络安全课程旨在为计算机科学和数学奠定坚实的基础。对
The demand for cybersecurity professionals is high and is expected to grow even more in the coming years in both the public and private sectors. Cybersecurity professionals are needed to protect computer networks and systems in the financial, communication, energy and transportation industries as well as in the government, against cyber-attacks.<br><br>Our CyberSecurity curriculum has been designed to lay a solid foundation in computer science and mathematics. This concentration for the computer science major has been based on carefully chosen courses in the Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics department and is further strengthened by requiring courses in network and data security. There is a provision for internships that will provide practical experience in the field. The Florham Campus enjoys the proximity of several computer science and information technology companies in the area and a number of CS and Mathematics students have had internship positions with these organizations. The department will continue to build and strengthen ties with these organizations with a view to expanding experiential learning opportunities for the students in the field of cybersecurity.