An earned bachelor's degree from an institution that is fully accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education or a comparable degree from an international institution with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4-point scale, or a 3.0 (GPA) on a 4-point scale on the last 60 hours of coursework in the baccalaureate degree., English Proficiency Test score - Paper-based TOEFL: 550, Computer-based TOEFL: 213, Internet-based TOEFL: 79/80, IELTS: 6.5. Submission of graduate admission tests: GRE (145 quantitative and 150 verbal) or MAT (370)

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:79
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:MELAB: 78
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
信息技术理学硕士,专门从事数据库管理,通过扩大和加深他们对该领域新兴技术的知识,为下一代IT专业人员做好准备,使其在公共,非营利和私人组织的数据库领域发挥领导作用<br>当今大多数应用程序必须围绕数据库构建,因此,数据库技术知识对于任何应用程序,企业或组织的成功至关重要。该专业专注于设计,实现,维护和管理数据库。当然,主要重点是关系数据库,并且学生会精通数据库编程和SQL(在Oracle和SQL Server中)。<br> <br>该专业的学生还将能够识别和利用工具来处理大量数据(在数据挖掘中发现)。所需
The Master of Science in Information Technology, specialization in Database Management, prepares the next generation of IT professionals for leadership roles in database fields in public, non-profit, and private organizations by broadening and deepening their knowledge of new and emerging technologies in the area of databases.<br>Most applications today have to be built around databases, hence knowledge of Database technology is crucial to the success of any application, business or organization. This specialization focuses on designing, implementing, maintaining, and managing databases. The primary focus is of course on relational databases, and students become proficient in database programming and SQL (in Oracle and SQL Server).<br><br>Students of this specialization will also be able to identify and utilize tools to be able to work with the vast amounts of data (covered in data mining). The required course-work will give students an opportunity to study data warehousing, database administration, database security, and Information Security Management. New courses, for example a course on Big Data, are developed and offered from time to time. Hands-on experiences, providing practical experience are a major part of all courses. The culminating experience of this program is the capstone project, which has a practical orientation.