The goal of the MBS Engineering Management concentration is to educate students in the essential skills relevant to managing cross-disciplinary engineering and science-based teams in industries. Such teams are typically responsible for new product development, getting innovations to market, developing new technologies, implementing product improvement, or establishing or improving organizational infrastructure. Students will be taught the fundamentals and applications of engineering and science management and will receive training in finance and accounting, project and execution management, marketing, communication and leadership, management of innovation, science and technology, ethics and entrepreneurship. In addition, students can choose technical electives in a wide range of subjects from many different engineering and technical disciplines. Rutgers location in close proximity to the telecommunication and high-tech industry, as well as pharmaceutical, healthcare, chemical, biomedical and biotechnology companies makes the MBS degree attractive to students and practicing professionals in these industries. A Master of Business and Science in Engineering Management will provide an intellectual climate for the preparation of individuals for professional advancement and train individuals with the requisite skills to work in the rapidly evolving and increasingly globalized industries.