IU Bloomington的医学物理学理学硕士除了医学物理学实践的四个主要领域的实践课程外,还提供物理,数学,化学和生物医学科学的严格教育:放射治疗物理学,诊断成像物理学,核医学和辐射防护物理学。我们的医学物理MS课程为学生提供就业,学徒/实习,CAMPEP居留权和高级学位的准备。
In the IU College of Arts and Sciences, we believe that helping our students land a first job after college is critically important. We also believe that the liberal arts and sciences offer something more substantial and profound. Here, we equip our students with the skills needed to question critically, think logically, communicate clearly, act creatively, and live ethically. Not only are these the skills that employers say they value most in the workplace, they provide the best preparation for lifelong success in a world of complexity, uncertainty, and change.