High School Transcript is required
An official transcript (preferred) includes the school's official seal or the signature of a school administrator and is either sent directly from the school or submitted in an envelope sealed by the school. Your high school counselor can also email a high school transcript and it will be considered official if submitted from a school email address as verification.
Unofficial transcripts are sufficient to complete your application file
Your transcript must show:
Grades received through the end of the junior year
Electronic copies are accepted through a secure source (i.e. Parchment, Naviance, TRex, Slate.org, Scribbles, National Clearinghouse, SCOIR and Greenlight).
Paper transcripts may be mailed to the following address and are received in 2-4 weeks.
Official IELTS score of 6.5
Official TOEFL score of 80
GPA - 3.0
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE - 60
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
The Russian language is used throughout the world and is one of the five official languages of the United Nations. As such, a Russian major is beneficial for those wishing to work in international affairs. The major includes studying the Russian language, culture and history. Students become fluent in written and spoken Russian. Available courses include:<br>Russian Drama<br>Russian Literature<br>Modern Russian Short Story<br>Russian Reading Development<br>Russian Conversation and Composition<br>Russian is also available as a minor or secondary major for those pursuing a different field of study. Graduates with Russian degrees often pursue graduate school, teach, or work for international corporations. Study Abroad is highly recommended for all foreign language and international majors. The Russian program offers several study abroad opportunities, including summer, semester and exchange programs. Baylor offers several Living-Learning Centers which are housing opportunities designed to place students of common interests together. The Baylor and Beyond Living-Learning Center is one that would be of particular interest to Russian students. It is ideal for students majoring in foreign languages or studies who wish to put their skills into practice, but it is available to students of all majors and classifications. <br><br>For more information: Russian