The School offers a dual qualifications pathway: both the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and the New Zealand National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA). Further information on both these qualifications are available below. Both NCEA and CIE qualifications are available from Forms 5 to 7. They offer students at Grammar two pathways to tertiary entrance. The upper bands of the Senior School study towards the CIE examinations and the lower bands study for NCEA, offered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). In Form 5, the majority of students will study an IGCSE-based course. Students from 5J-5P will study NCEA Level 1 English. Some will study Level 1 Mathematics depending on their ability in the subject. Students may also select from a limited range of other NCEA Level 1 courses that are not available as IGCSE subjects. Selected students (primarily from 4O and 4P) will study a full NCEA Level 1 course. Students entering Form 3 at Auckland Grammar School must realise that they are starting a five-year programme which will lead to university entrance and further study at tertiary level. Some students will leave at the end of Form 5 or 6 for a variety of courses and reasons, but the Senior School programme should be viewed as a three-year commitment. The success of students in external examinations is well known and we regard it as our first priority to ensure all students achieve the best results of which they are capable.