A Levels(Advanced Levels)是英国学校中基于科目的资格。国际学生通常在两年内学习三到四门A Level科目。A Level被英国的每所大学所接受,并得到了世界范围的认可。这意味着您有机会申请可能不接受基础课程的大学和学位。例如,牛津,剑桥,伦敦政治经济学院,帝国理工学院,UCL和大多数医学学位都需要A Level。在您学习的第一年之后,将对您进行评估,以确保您能够按预期的方式获得所需的成绩,但是这些成绩通常不会计入最终的A Level成绩。但是,它们是监视您的进度和期末考试最佳实践的
Study a world-renowned education system based on your unique subject choices and gain the skills to study at any university in the UK. Through our sixty years of experience in education, we've become experts at delivering a traditionally British A Level programme to an international audience. A Levels are accepted by every UK university – and A Levels at Bellerbys are no exception, making this a great course choice for those who want to keep their options open. Our A Level programme is flexible to your interests and academic background, so you're able to join our programme at various times throughout the academic year and study it from anywhere between one and two years. We're here to support you throughout your studies – from helping you choose the right programme length for you, up to additional language classes and in-class teaching support. You'll meet with your expert personal tutor once you arrive at Bellerbys to choose from the 18 subjects we offer – so you're sure to find the right combination for you. A Levels offer a lot of flexibility and the subjects you study are unique to your interests and ambitions. We're here to help you choose the best subject combination to prepare you for your chosen university degree. But if you're still unsure of your degree choice, we'll advise you on possible subject combinations that interest you and give you the most flexibility for choosing your degree.