NEGS提供个性化的学术计划,鼓励学生发现和发展自己的才能。NEGS提供的核心课程包括:基督教教育,英语,地理,历史,数学,PD /健康/体育和科学。NEGS提供的其他研究包括:iSTEM,农业,商业,设计和技术,戏剧,语言,音乐,纺织品,视觉艺术以及体育活动和体育科学。小班授课由对学习充满热情的合格教师授课。NEGS灵活的学习方法和多样化的课程,意味着女孩可以在9年级和10年级中最多选择三个附加学习单元(选修课),并且如果学生选择,可以灵活地在10年级更改这些选修课。NEGS中学为女孩提供全面的职业计划
At NEGS, our environment is carefully designed to provide the necessary support, guidance, and resources for our year 7-12 girls to reach their academic, social, and personal success. We have continued to do this for 128 years with our safe and supportive learning environment. Our students can freely explore their interests and passions.Our commitment to small class sizes, with optimal student-to-teacher ratios, focuses on the individual, and sees each student deliver exceptional academic results, but also grow into the best they can be.A wide range of extracurricular activities helps our students cultivate leadership skills, teamwork, and self-assurance. Importantly we believe in creating an environment where each student feels a sense of belonging and fosters positive relationships with their peers and teachers.An all-girls senior school also provides our students with access to a range of programs and initiatives that are tailored to their unique needs and interests. This includes our well-being program, which focuses on promoting resilience, emotional intelligence, and respectful relationships, our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a complex and changing world.