The applicant must provide an official transcript showing that a bachelor's degree was awarded by an accredited college or university. All applicants who will be attending the University on a student visa and who are not native speakers of English and are not graduates of The University of Memphis must supply a minimum score of 550 on the paper, a 210 on the computer-based, or 79 on the internet based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The minimum acceptable IELTS score is 6.0.

- 雅思总分:6
- 托福网考总分:79
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
教育署 咨询课程旨在为咨询,学生人事服务和咨询师教育方面的高级专业从业人员做准备,并特别注重多元文化和城市环境的计划。进入该课程将假定您具有咨询和人事服务硕士学位,其中已获得有关人类发展,帮助人际关系,团体咨询,生活方式和职业发展,评估技术,研究和评估以及在应用环境中的临床经验的知识和技能。教育署 专为寻求作为教育领导者而准备的,充当专业顾问和研究人员角色的人员,并且他们可能在顾问监督和顾问教育中寻求更多证书。教育署 不适合作为心理学家寻求准备或执照的个人。<br>计划的目标是:(1)理解咨询专业基础的概
The Ed.D. program in Counseling is designed to prepare advanced professional practitioners in counseling, student personnel services, and counselor education with particular program emphases on multicultural and urban settings. Entry into the program presumes a master's degree in counseling and personnel services wherein one has acquired knowledge and skills in human development, helping relationships, group counseling, lifestyle and career development, assessment techniques, research and evaluation and clinical experiences in applied settings. The Ed.D. is designed for individuals seeking advanced preparation as educational leaders in the role of professional counselor and researcher and who may seek additional credentials in counselor supervision and counselor education. The Ed.D. is not appropriate for individuals seeking preparation or licensure as a psychologist. <br>Program objectives are: (1) comprehension of concepts and theories underlying the profession of counseling, (2) ability to collect, analyze, and interpret individual and group data, and to generate and test hypotheses related to human behavior, (3) ability to effectively counsel in both individual and group settings: (4) ability to formulate, implement, and evaluate appropriate counseling programs and interventions, (5) ability to understand and demonstrate ethical behavior and the legal and ethical implications of that behavior, and (6) development of sensitivity and understanding of the needs of persons who are culturally different, including the ability to (a) examine attitudes and myths regarding the culturally different and (b) the sociopolitical forces impacting the culturally different client.