The final two years of secondary schooling at TAS have a strong focus on, but are not limited to, academic endeavour. TAS has a firm belief that the key to maximising options for our young boys and girls after school is determined more by subject selection and attitude to study and learning, than the pursuit of a particular Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) alone. When choosing a program of study for Years 11 and 12, boys and girls should seek advice concerning post-school options, keep an open mind about these options, and choose subjects which they find interesting. Students are encouraged to seek advice from Heads of Departments, the Careers Advisor, their pastoral care Advisor, the Director of Studies or the Director of Pastoral Care to assist them in making their subject selection. More information appears in the Stage 6 Year 11-12 Subject Handbook. During Year 11 students continue to participate in the broader life of the school, participating at the most senior level across our co-curricular program. Indeed, our most academically successful students are those engaged in many other aspects of school life: in various leadership positions, on the sporting field, in the creative arts and public speaking. Year 12 is all about making, and meeting, expectations. As young adults, Year 12 students are working towards the end goal of their secondary education: outcomes that give them the options they would like to have as they venture onto further study or into the workforce. TAS has a firm belief that the key to maximising options for our young men and women after school is determined more by subject selection and attitude to study and learning, than the pursuit of a particular Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) alone. With a strong sense of self and purpose, our most senior students are encouraged to pursue their academic goals, supported by academic staff and tutors well beyond classroom hours. This includes special subject tutoring (including in boarding houses) at night, extended library opening hours, and an HSC study camp. As their year progresses, students hand over their leadership roles to those in Year 11, allowing them to focus solely on their studies for the HSC.