At Fahan we believe it is important to provide your daughter with a sense of belonging and to ensure she is engaged within our school community in order to nurture her through those critical formative years of education in the Junior School.The Junior School, Years 3-6, offers a small, secure setting in which your daughter can engage with the wider school community. The inquiry-based curriculum, based on the Teaching for Understandingeducational theory, means your daughter is involved in higher order thinking, providing her with deep, lasting and transferable knowledge.An extensive range of specialist lessons, which complement the central curriculum, are also offered to your daughter, combined with a wide range of excursions, camps, concerts, performances, and assemblies. Through these diverse educational experiences, your daughter is introduced to aspects of middle and senior school life whilst she develops her passion for learning.The Junior School aims to foster in students a sense of community awareness, good ethical and moral behaviour and a sense of belonging. This period of schooling for your daughter is vital in cementing her appreciation of education as well as her independence and confidence amongst her peers. The Fahan Junior School creates a learning environment that engenders high standards across all facets of school life.