Year 7 is a special year in the lives of the students. The transition from Year 6 to Year 7 is a time of great change not only academically but also socially and emotionally. Skilled and specialist teachers support the students in their journey from primary to secondary education. In Year 7 a student’s primary relationship is with their Mentor teacher who plays a vitally important role in supporting their students in all areas of their life at school. The focus of our Year 7 program is to discover, engage, and explore. At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar, we achieve this through a wide and exciting range of learning opportunities. The Year 7 curriculum allows for a breadth of learning opportunities, however, particular emphasis is placed on the development of skills in literacy and numeracy. The teaching and learning programs ensure that our students engage actively in a relevant, rich curriculum that builds the foundation for future academic success. The Year 7 teachers cater to individual differences, with a variety of learning activities designed to challenge and encourage all students. <br>From the firm base which they have established, students are now able to explore in more depth what was new to them in the previous year. Year 8 is a time of change and growth. Students explore the connections between different areas of study through projects that span different disciplines, new contexts and environments in which to learn, and new options – academically, socially and in the co-curricular areas.