圣母圣心学院是一所女子中学,是一所女子中学,有450名7-12年级的学生。OLSH成立于1951年,位于南澳大利亚州的阿德莱德,位于恩菲尔德,距阿德莱德中央商务区仅7.5公里,距阿德莱德国际机场20分钟路程。<br> OLSH是一个充满活力,包容和充满希望的社区,每个人都被重视。我们充满激情,慷慨和高素质的员工,通过鼓励创造力,毅力和韧性,为学生应对未来的挑战做好准备。<br>我们鼓励卓越。我们努力在每个女孩中培养对自己特殊才能和能力的信心,并认识到她的重要性和独特性。<br> OLSH校园围绕着几个带有
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College provides a world class school level education as a pathway to Australian and International Universities through academic success, support and guidance. We offer a wide range of subject choices and co-curricular opportunities giving every girl the opportunity to excel. Our strengths are in the Sciences, Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies to ensure specialist options. Our outstanding academic achievements lead graduates to a diverse range of tertiary courses including Commerce, Law, Business, Medicine, Engineering, Journalism, Nursing, Teaching, Hospitality and Aviation.<br><br>Your daughter will be part of a safe, secure and encouraging environment as part of the OLSH College community in which we provide expert individual academic advice, language support in all subject areas, small class sizes and genuine individual attention, support and guidance. Our International team work closely with individual girls to maintain networks of care in which she will build her self-assurance and develop their personal and spiritual growth. They work closely with Homeroom teachers and Year Level Co-ordinators who have special concern for the progress of all students in their care.<br><br>Our facilities are modern and well-equipped built around courtyards to create a strong sense of community. These include exceptional Information Communication Technology Labs, specialised Science Laboratories, ArtDesign spaces, Music rooms, research based integrated learning areas and a Performing Arts Centre. An extensively resourced Library and rich technologies in every classroom enable dynamic learning possibilities for all students within the curriculum. Our Senior Campus reflects the vital importance the senior years play in your daughter’s learning, encouraging academic success and the beginnings of lifelong learning. The Language Centre allows students to be globally connected in the space and lives out our spirit of welcome.