The Middle School is designed specifically to focus on the needs of students in Years 5 to 8 as they transition from a Junior School method of learning with strong structures and clearly set work parameters, to the Senior School expectations of excelling through independent and open-ended assessments and their Record of School Achievement. Throughout this exciting time of rapid change and development in their young lives, we at St Philip’s Christian College, Gosford, seek to harness and enhance this energy as students grow into the people God has planned for them to be.<br><br>Middle School is designed to be a bridge between childhood and adolescence, promoting a smooth transition in a stable and caring environment. Students are in a stronger position to cope with personal changes as their educational surroundings are tailored to meet their needs at this time. Students in these years can expect that school will remain enjoyable and relevant as they enter the challenges and joys of adolescence. The Middle School years are characterised by enormous physical, emotional, social and spiritual change. It is therefore our desire to develop inquisitive minds, a love of learning and connection with school. James McBean states, “You cannot teach a child you do not know”. This statement, and the African saying “it takes a whole village to raise a child” means students in Middle School can expect to be personally known by caring staff that are willing to go ‘the extra mile’ for their students.