在TSS预备学校,我们相信小学阶段(学前班– 6年级)是与众不同的。在中学和高等教育越来越围绕学科和学科进行组织的情况下,我们认为小学教育应围绕儿童进行。为此,我们的预科班教室的特点是享受,参与,发现和好奇心。我们希望学生体验奇迹和兴奋,并鼓励他们冒险(有时成功,有时失败),承担更大的责任,成为更加独立的学习者。我们认为,这是终身学习的基础。TSS预备学校的老师与学生建立了紧密而持久的关系,因为他们支持他们变得更加独立和接受新的经历。我们的老师对男孩学习方式,他们如何学习学习以及需要学习什么(核心课程领域
Secondary and tertiary education are often organised around subjects and disciplines, whereas at TSS, we believe primary schooling should be structured around the boys and their needs and interests. Our classrooms are characterised by enjoyment, engagement, discovery and curiosity. We want students to experience wonder and excitement and encourage them to take risks, as well as to take increasing responsibility for their learning, becoming independent learners. We believe the Primary years, Preschool - Year 6, are distinctive and provide a very special period in a child's life, where engagement is nurtured and positive learning behaviours developed. TSS Preparatory School teachers form close and sustained relationships with their students, appreciating how important mutual respect is for maximising learning potential. Our teachers have a deep understanding of how boys learn and what methodologies and strategies resonate with them. They combine careful attention to the developmental stage of each individual, with high expectations and genuine support. Teachers balance the need for explicit teaching of core concepts, knowledge and skills, with innovative ways of encouraging cooperative work, research and problem solving. In developing students to become young men of intellectual character, we believe it is essential to provide a curriculum designed for the whole boy, encouraging a positive approach to education and an enduring love of learning.