Year 12 is the second year of the VCE certificate program. Subjects are organized into semester long units. A normal student workload in Year 12 is five Unit 34 sequences (each sequence is a full year subject) in a full year. EnglishEnglish as an Additional Language (EAL) must be included in the 5 sequences. Students select 5 subjects from the list of subjects offered. Generally, for best results, each of the subjects selected for Year 12 should have been studied in Year 11.<br><br>Students who are of a very high standard and have the approval of the Ozford High School VCE Coordinator may be permitted to study one additional VCE study Unit 34 subject. Highly able students can also in Year 12 apply to participate in Enhancement and Extension Programs offered by some universities in Melbourne. These programs provide students with the opportunity to study a first year equivalent university subject in addition to their normal VCE study workload. Some credit towards a university degree is given if the subject is completed to a satisfactory standard. Entry into these programs is granted by the universities that offer the programs. Additional costs may be incurred for entry into these course programs.