The Science Program provides students with a balanced education that integrates both the basic components of rigorous scientific learning and a general education foundation. Graduates are equipped with a solid grounding in mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology and optionally earth science. Problem-solving skills and critical thinking are developed throughout. Courses are taught using an interdisciplinary learning approach where students apply scientific problem-solving techniques in a variety of contexts. The Science Program is also designed to develop well-rounded students who become informed, concerned and active citizens in local, national and global communities.<br>The Science Program at John Abbott is unique in that the students have the flexibility to choose their option courses according to the prerequisites required for admission to the university program of their choice. After completing a general first year of Science, students select their three option courses, allowing them the freedom to choose courses leading either to a Health Science or Pure & Applied orientation. This program's flexibility allows students the possibility of selecting the courses that are of greatest interest to them as we offer a wide range of science option courses (see below) from Marine Biology to Independent Research projects in laboratories. Students are sure to find courses that will excite and inspired them. In the Science courses, we support a very hands-on approach making strong use of our laboratory facilities.