The Master of Arts in Global Interactions (MAGI) is a professional program that prepares students for employment in private, nonprofit, and governmental enterprises that have international operations. The program is not recommended for students seeking a Ph.D. or other higher academic degrees. Rather, it focuses on the development of skills needed in the modern, globalized marketplace. The program's approach is based on three principles: Interdisciplinary breadth - with coursework from Economics, Communication, and World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures included in core offerings. Additional coursework from History, Law, Accounting, Finance, Management and Labor Relations, and Marketing may be chosen for specializations. Balance - blending the advantages of traditional academic coursework and courses focusing on practical, problem-solving skills Demand - The curriculum responds to the demands of our key stakeholders, and prepares students for the complexities of the global economy. Depending on the concentration selected by the student, the degree may be completed in 34-36 credit hours.