
Master of Arts in History - United States History


Wright State University


  • 学历文凭


    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


    Department of History

  • 开学时间


  • 课程时长


  • 课程学费




Only an official transcript accompanied by attested translation into English(if needed) will be accepted as evidence of academic preparation.English proficiency is demonstrated by achieving a score of 550 or better on the TOEFL-Pbt, a score of 79 on the TOEFL-IBT, a band score of 6 on the IELTS. Decisions regarding admission to the graduate program of the Department of History, continuation in the program, and dismissal from it are made by the department's Graduate Studies Committee. The candidate for admission must meet the requirements of the Graduate School, must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, and must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average as verified by official transcripts. A strong candidate will have substantial undergraduate course work in history or a major in the field. Please note that the Department of History does not require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE).

In addition to the Graduate School requirements, each candidate shall submit a statement of goals, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample. The one-page statement of goals should explain what draws the candidate to graduate school (specifying which track of the program the student intends to complete) and discuss his or her long-term career aspirations. The writing sample should be on a historical topic and include complete citations (usually the writing sample comes from an advanced undergraduate history course). All these items may be submitted through the online application except for the writing sample, which should be mailed to the Graduate School address.
In special cases, a candidate with a cumulative grade point average below 3.0 may be admitted conditionally (visit the Graduate School website for details). Conditional status may be granted upon a favorable committee recommendation based on the candidate's application and an interview with the director of the graduate program. An applicant without adequate work in History may enter the program but may be required to take deficiency work as prescribed by the Graduate Studies Committee.
A graduate student in any college of the university may take up to three graduate history courses without prior approval of the Department of History. Any student desiring more than 9 credit hours of graduate history courses must secure the approval of a director of the graduate program.
  • 雅思总分:6
  • 托福网考总分:79
  • 托福笔试总分:550
  • 其他语言考试:A score of 57 or higher on the Pearson PTE

申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The purpose of the Master of Arts program in history is to provide broad but intensive training for students who intend to pursue careers as professional historians, whether in teaching, research, or archival or historical preservation fields, or for those who desire strong historical backgrounds for other vocational or avocational objectives. The program offers opportunities for specialized study and research, but without neglecting the breadth that characterizes historical work at its best. In recognition of the fact that students' interests and goals are varied, the program provides a choice of four concentrations (see the following details) along with the option for a general curriculum, all of which lead to a Master of Arts degree. This program is approved by the Ohio Board of Regents.<br><br>The Master of Arts degree can be earned through one of four concentrations: United States History, War and Society, Public History, and Public History/War and Society, or a student can follow a curriculum with no concentration. Students in the United States History and the War and Society concentrations and following the general curriculum will earn their degrees through either the Thesis track or the Course Intensive track. The Thesis Track is intended primarily for those students who expect to continue graduate work or who need or desire the full range of professional experience, including intensive research and writing. It assures training in research techniques and the preparation if scholarly papers, culminating in the submission of a thesis. The Course Intensive Track is intended primarily, but not exclusively, for students not expecting to pursue doctoral studies. The Public History concentration is a program designed for graduate students who are primarily interested in careers in historical or archival administration, or in museum management. It provides students with both theoretical and practical training in these areas. The Public History/War and Society concentration trains students who will be seeking employment with historical institutions with military connections.


  • 预科预科
  • 奖学金奖学金
  • 实习机会实习机会
  • 在校学习在校学习
  • 跨境学习跨境学习
  • 校园授课-线上开始校园授课-线上开始
  • 在线/远程学习在线/远程学习





莱特州立大学为那些希望在世界舞台上闪耀光芒、志向远大的学生开设有独一无二的课程。无论学生想成为科学家、艺术家、工程师、医生还是商业领袖,都能在该校找到适合自己的优质课程。 莱特州立大学以发明动力飞行的两位航空先驱莱特兄弟的名字命名。他们凭借勇气和决心改变了世界。现在轮到下一代了。学生可以通过 315 个本科、研究生、专业或博士学位课程获得成功所需的知识和工具。 目前,来自57个国家的1.2万多名学生在莱特州立大学学习和生活。位于代顿市中心附近的代顿校区和位于俄亥俄州赛利纳的莱克校区为学生提供了安全温馨的超棒的社区。代顿是美国最宜居的城市之一,生活成本低,收入水平高,为毕业生提供有很多机会。 莱特州立大学世界一流的教授和知识渊博的教职人员在学生求学之旅的每一步都为其提供支持。学生能够找到帮助自己实现梦想的人员和资源。从专业的学术和学生支持服务,到就业帮助,各项服务应有尽有. 学生可充分利用大学时光,尽可能多地取得收获。获得受到评鉴机构认可的优质教育,同时好好利用校园生活中的众多机会,加入社团、观看体育赛事或参加戏剧表演。在莱特州立大学有很多事情可做。周边社区也有很多活动可以参加,其中包括独木舟运动、滑冰以及文化活动和节庆活动等等。




