Possess a master’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university or a comparable degree from a foreign institution.
Have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better (on a 4.00 scale) for the most recent degree earned or current degree in progress.
If you are still completing your master's degree at the time you apply, admission will be based on your current cumulative GPA, and you will need to re-submit your official transcript (showing your conferred degree and final GPA) during your first semester. If your final GPA fell below 3.00, you will be given additional requirements as defined by the academic program that must be met within one calendar year to remain enrolled at UNC.
Official GRE scores (less than five years old) are required. UNC's institutional code is 4074. Required minimum scores: 140 Quantitative, 146 Verbal Reasoning, Combined score of at least 297 and Analytical Writing 3.5
TOEFL iBT: 80 with cut scores no lower than: Listening (16), Reading (16), Speaking (20) and Writing (22)
IELTS: 6.5 with subscores no lower than 6 in each of the following proficiency areas: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
研究人们如何学习和保留知识,以及如何使用心理学来改善学习并促进教育成功。在UNC,您可以在校园内和在线找到灵活的学位课程,可以按照自己的计划安排完成课程。这些课程的设计是由屡获殊荣的教师主持的具有丰富研究经验的课程,旨在帮助您提高专业能力和发展职业。您还将拥有许多多样的宝贵机会,可以继续进行自己的研究,在该领域学习并参加诸如教育心理学会这样的研究生组织。为UNC的教育心理学博士课程的研究,教学和领导打下坚实的基础。博士 该计划为您准备了多样化的专业途径,包括教学,评估,测试构建,教育研究,商学院和公立学校
Study how people learn and retain knowledge, and how you can use psychological science to improve learning and promote educational success. At UNC, you'll find flexible degree options, on-campus and online, that you can complete on a schedule that works for you. Courses are designed to help you grow your professional abilities and advance your career, with classes led by award-winning faculty with extensive research experience. You'll also have many diverse and valuable opportunities to pursue your own research, learn in the field and participate in graduate student organizations such as the Educational Psychology Society. Gain a solid foundation in research, teaching and leadership in UNC's Educational Psychology Doctor of Philosophy program. The Ph.D. program prepares you for diverse professional pathways including instruction, evaluation, test construction, educational research, educational consulting to business and public schools and university teaching. In addition to a rigorous course curriculum, you'll learn through direct collaboration on research projects with faculty members, service experiences and involvement in student organizations. Our program is flexible, and we help you design a course of study that best suits your needs.