The program in Asian Studies prepares individuals who have a broad understanding of Asia as a region, and in-depth understanding of a particular region of Asia through the study of the languages, history, literatures, arts, and cultures of Asia. The Chinese K-12 Teaching Emphasis program builds competency in language, culture, literature, and history through a range of interdisciplinary courses. Upon completion of this course of study, students will have a highly individualized but broad familiarity with the region, and will also understand the history and culture of Asia, and how this history and the various Asian cultures affect its current dynamics. Students will also have linguistic competency in Mandarin Chinese, and be able to teach Mandarin Chinese and Chinese culture to students. The program fosters knowledge and study of international, specifically Asian, issues, as well as national and local diversity by inclusion of courses on the Asian Diaspora. Courses in Asian civilizations, literature, and history train students in Asian culture, and develop their cultural competence. Because the program encourages study abroad to one of UNC's direct exchange partner institutions in Asian countries, this program prepares student to work effectively with diverse populations.