The Department of Germanic Studies seeks to admit outstanding students who have completed a B.A. or the equivalent, and who show potential for successful work at the graduate level. (Students from Germany must complete the Zwischenprüfung and one full year of Hauptstudium to be considered for admission to the M.A. program.)

- 雅思总分:6
- 托福网考总分:60
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
德语文学硕士学位为广泛的职业生涯提供了人文基础。更具体地说,它为日耳曼研究系的博士研究奠定了基础。这两个目标都由同一课程实现。<br> MA课程涵盖了更广泛意义上的语言学,文学和文化研究。在此框架内,它可以专注于这三个领域中的任何一个。学生可以选择适应性强,适应性强的日耳曼研究文学硕士,也可以选择更具针对性和结构性的现代德文文化文学硕士。<br>总共30学分,其中至少21学分必须使用德语。历史,政治学,比较文学和哲学等相关领域最多可修9个学分,而日耳曼研究则最多可修9个学分。
Both the Master of Arts in Germanic Studies and the Master of Arts in Modern German Culture require successful completion of a Master's project, which is intended to give students experience in carrying out a limited scholarly investigation to the fullest of their potential. The project is normally submitted after three of four semesters of study, but may be submitted as early as the first year. It entails appropriate revision and oral defense of a research paper of 20 to 30 pages originally written for a graduate course in Germanic Studies. The paper should demonstrate command of expository English or German, competence in the use of bibliographic and research tools, ability to conceive and develop a scholarly project, and effective critical and analytical thinking. It is recommended that students consult with appropriate faculty members regarding selection and revision of the project paper. A three-person faculty committee evaluates each project and conducts an oral defense that examines the candidate's ability to present concisely the main argument(s) of the project, place the project in larger scholarly contexts, discuss sources and scholarly literature used, and respond effectively to committee members' questions and comments.