Official Secondary and College Transcripts: Forward official secondary school transcript(s) accompanied by an English translation of the document(s), as well as an official transcript of the in-progress grades when available. Transfer students should submit official copies of their final secondary school transcript and their college/university study. These should be accompanied by an English translation. Any available information regarding the comparability of secondary school or college courses to the U.S. system should also be provided.
SATs Not Required: If a student chooses to submit SAT I or ACT scores, they can be taken from the high school transcript, or an official copy can be requested from the testing agency. Western New England University's SAT code is 3962, and the ACT code is 1930.
Letters of recommendation are not required.
SAT - 450 on the English Based Reading and Writing section
ACT - Verbal score of 18
PTE Academic - 50
STEP Eiken - Pre-1
iTEP - 4
Duolingo - 100 DET

- 雅思总分:6
- 托福网考总分:74
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE Academic - 50, Duolingo - 100 DET
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
哲学专业教授有价值的技能,包括阅读,写作,分析和思考。它有助于个人成长并加深对自己,我们所生活的世界以及其他人的了解。您将探索诸如身心之间的关系,自由意志,知与信之间的差异,正义,人权以及东西方宗教等主题。您将获得在家庭,工作,社区和社会中将哲学理论应用于现实世界问题所需的知识技能。这样的文科教育不仅会培训您一份工作,它还会为您提供谋生和创造有意义的生活的工具。<br> <br>哲学专业将为您准备各种职业通过宝贵的知识和技能来快速变化的就业市场。哲学研究将提高您进行批判性和创造性思考,欣赏复杂性,适应多样
The Philosophy major teaches valuable skills including reading, writing, analyzing, and thinking. It contributes to personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves, the world we live in, and other people. You will explore such topics as the relations between mind and body, free will, the difference between knowing and believing, justice, human rights, and Eastern and Western religions. You will gain the intellectual skills needed to apply philosophical theories to real world problemsat home, at work, in your community, and in society. Such a liberal arts education doesn't just train you for a job, it gives you the tools to make a living and to make an intellectually rewarding life.<br><br>The Philosophy major will prepare you for a wide variety of careers through valuable knowledge and skills for a rapidly changing job market. The study of philosophy will improve your capacity to think critically and creatively, to appreciate complexity, to feel comfortable with diversity and disagreement, to work cooperatively and collaboratively with others, to communicate effectively both in writing and orally, to read with understanding complicated and complex material, and to solve problems. Studying philosophy promotes intellectual and psychological growth, yet it also develops capabilities prized by most employers and needed by our increasingly global society. In the Philosophy major, you will explore Western and non-Western thought in such courses as Asian Thought, Ethics Across the Continents, Gandhi and King, Philosophy and the Environment, Philosophy and Climate Change, Philosophy of Religion, Contemporary Moral Issues, Business Ethics, Ancient Philosophy, and Social and Political Philosophy.