在UNC的传播学学士学位课程中获得许多雇主认为对职业成功至关重要的技能。作为传播学专业的学生,您将探索组织,关系和跨文化中各种形式的消息交换,并准备将其应用于工作场所和个人生活中。您还将受益于社区内外的宝贵经验学习机会,包括与丹佛地区企业的实习计划,参加区域会议的机会以及加入我们的Lambda Pi Eta(美国国家传播荣誉学会)分会的机会。班级规模小,合作程度高,由易于获得的讲师带领,他们既是专职的老师,也是传播领域学识渊博的研究员。传播学专业的学生可以完成有关公共演讲,理论和探究的入门课程。专
Gain the skills that many employers consider the most vital to career success in the Communication Studies Bachelor of Arts program at UNC. As a Communication Studies major, you'll explore message exchange in all its forms?in organizations, relationships and across cultures?and graduate ready to apply what you?ve learned in the workplace and in your personal life. You'll also benefit from valuable experiential learning opportunities in the community and beyond, including internship programs with Denver-area businesses, opportunities to present at regional conferences and the chance to join our chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society. Classes are small and highly collaborative, and led by accessible instructors who are both dedicated teachers and accomplished researchers in the field of communication. Students majoring in Communication Studies complete introductory courses in public speaking, theory and inquiry. Intermediate courses for majors include studies in persuasion, interpersonal communication and small groups. A variety of elective courses are available, including studies in debate, family communication, leadership, and communication and technology. Students are encouraged to do internships for up to six hours of credit.