
Master of Science in Criminal Justice

乔治梅森大学-INTO USA

INTO George Mason University


  • 学历文凭


    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


    Department of Criminology, Law and Society

  • 开学时间


  • 课程时长


  • 课程学费




An earned baccalaureate degree from a Mason-recognized accredited institution of higher education, or international equivalent, verified from copies of unofficial transcripts uploaded to the online application portal.
Copies of unofficial university transcripts from any earned degree uploaded to the online application portal from all universities attended.
All transcripts from colleges or universities outside the United States must be translated into English, if applicable, and submitted for evaluation to the Mason Office of Admissions. Mason will provide evaluation service free of charge for all international transcripts, however, some programs may request an outside evaluation be completed.
A minimum 3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale in baccalaureate study

The submitted goals statement should be 200-300 words in length describing what you intend to do with your MS degree in Criminal Justice.
The writing sample is an essay of 500-750 words that identifies a current problem or issue in criminal justice and examines promising approaches to mitigating or resolving it. The essay should be original work and not have been written prior to this application. It should be persuasive to a criminal justice policy maker or practitioner. The essay can include references (not counted toward the word limit), but these are not required.
The online application requires the names and email addresses of the two faculty members or individuals who have first-hand knowledge of the applicant's academic or professional capabilities who will be submitting required recommendations. These individuals will then receive an email directly with a unique link to upload the letter of recommendation to your application.
The Office of Graduate Admissions, in coordination with the MS in Criminal Justice review committee, will consider requests from admitted students to defer their enrollment to a future term if they choose not to enroll in the semester for which they were accepted. Offers of funding are not guaranteed for deferrals and are at the discretion of the program of admission. All requests for deferral must be submitted using the directions in the Self-Service Center by the enrollment deadline listed in the student's offer of admission. Deferrals are only granted for a period up to one full academic year (Ex. Fall to Fall).
2 Recommendation Letters
Writing Sample

All transcripts from colleges or universities outside the United States must be translated into English, if applicable, and submitted for evaluation to the Mason Office of Admissions. Mason will provide evaluation service free of charge for all international transcripts, however, some programs may request an outside evaluation be completed. Because of volume, more time may be needed to process applications requiring a Mason evaluation. You should submit your application 6 weeks prior to the deadline if you plan to utilize Mason's free evaluation service. For expedited service, students may submit their documents to any NACES member organization at their own expense. If you decide to use an external evaluation service or if your program requires an outside evaluation, GPA and Degree equivalences must be included with your course-by-course evaluation. Mason evaluations are used for internal purposes and are not released to applicants. For information on international transcript requirements

IELTS - 7.0 total band score, with a minimum of 6.5 in each subsection
TOEFL iBT - 88 points, minimum 20 in each section
  • 雅思总分:7
  • 托福网考总分:88
  • 托福笔试总分:160
  • 其他语言考试:Pearson Academic Test of English - A minimum score of 67

申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The Master of Science in Criminal Justice advances the knowledge, skills, and career prospects of early-to-mid-career criminal justice professionals and those seeking their first jobs in the criminal justice field. Criminal justice problems demand leaders and decision-makers who are well-prepared to make good choices about what to do and how to do it. In courses taught by cutting-edge criminal justice practitioners and faculty who are leading researchers in evidence-based policy and practice, students receive the scientific knowledge and real-world insights necessary to evaluate, select, and implement criminal justice policies and practices that are effective, efficient, and fair. Students also learn data analysis skills that equip them with the practical knowledge required for many policy-oriented and front-line operational positions. The MS program in Criminal Justice prepares graduates to be leaders and change agents in the criminal justice field.<br><br>The university's proximity to many justice organizations at the federal, state, and local level in the Capital Region provides unique opportunities for our students. Students in the MS program regularly interact with nationally-acclaimed guest speakers and leaders in the field who are eager to share their experiences and ideas about improving criminal justice in the United States and abroad. The MS program also takes advantage of research centers in the department that host a variety of workshops and events about criminal justice policy and practice.


  • 预科预科
  • 奖学金奖学金
  • 实习机会实习机会
  • 在校学习在校学习
  • 跨境学习跨境学习
  • 校园授课-线上开始校园授课-线上开始
  • 在线/远程学习在线/远程学习





  • 排名



关于乔治梅森大学-INTO USA





