通过公共管理硕士(MPA)学习成为有效的行政领导者和体贴的政策分析师。我们的MPA在全美排名第一。它是美国国家公共事务和行政管理学院的主要认证机构NASPAA的完全认证。MPA学生将学习预算,沟通,经济分析,筹款,管理,计划评估和研究方法方面的技能。在移民,环境,住房,经济发展,医疗保健和外交事务等领域,人们了解了美国政府和公共政策。学生准备在非营利部门或政府部门工作。公共服务职业可以当选为办公室主任,项目经理,政策倡导者或研究人员。<br> <br> MPA要求至少具有一年行政管理经验的人至少42学分,
Learn to be an effective administrative leader and thoughtful policy analyst with a Master of Public Administration (MPA). Our MPA is ranked among the best in the nation. It is fully accredited by NASPAA, the nation's chief accrediting body for schools of public affairs and administration. MPA students develop skills in budgeting, communications, economic analysis, fundraising, management, program evaluation, and research methods. Knowledge is gained of American government and public policies in such areas as immigration, the environment, housing, economic development, health care, and foreign affairs. Students are prepared to work in either the nonprofit sector or government. A public service career may be pursued as an elected officeholder, program manager, policy advocate, or researcher.<br><br>The MPA requires a minimum of 42 credits for those with at least 1 year of administrative experience and 45 credits for those required to complete a three credit internship. The breakdown of the degree is 7 core classes (21 credits) Plus 1 internship course (if required, 3 credits) 6 electives (18 credits) 42 or 45 credits total. The Traditional MPA may be completed full-time (9 credits or more per semester) or part-time (less than 9 credits per semester). Students who work full-time, may not attend full-time. Classes are offered during the day, evening, and online in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students in the traditional program have the opportunity to pursue a 12 credit concentration in one of five areas: Health Care Policy, Nonprofit Administration, Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Public Management, and Urban Development and Sustainability.