We require course and grade information from all schools you attended for grades 912. An applicant's high school record should demonstrate both rigor and breadth in the types of course work they pursue. Applicants must meet the minimum course requirements listed below to be eligible for admission to UWMadison.
IELTS- 6.5

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo English Test (DET)- 115
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
经济学专业使学生对人,企业和政府如何应对其经济环境有更深入的了解。从根本上讲,报纸上的许多问题-工作,工资,税收,生活成本,不平等,污染,贫困和经济增长-从根本上讲都是经济问题。企业和消费者的日常决策在很大程度上是经济的。经济学家试图通过对经济体系的运行方式(包括资源分配,价格确定,收入再分配和促进经济增长的机制)发展出系统而透彻的理解,以了解企业,消费者和当前经济问题的决策。 <br> <br>经济学的分析方法认识到,社会在解决其经济问题时有各种选择。往往因为要了解人和企业的决策并更好地理解和评估经济政
A major in economics gives students a greater understanding of how people, businesses, and governments respond to their economic environments. Many of the issues that fill the newspapers jobs, wages, taxes, the cost of living, inequality, pollution, poverty, and economic growth are, in fundamental ways, economic issues. The daily decisions of businesses and consumers are largely economic. Economists seek to understand the decisions of businesses, consumers, and current economic issues by developing a systematic and thorough understanding of precisely how the economic system operates, including the mechanisms by which resources are allocated, prices determined, income redistributed, and economic growth promoted.<br><br>The analytical method of economics recognizes that various choices are open to a society in solving its economic problems. Students are often attracted to economics as a discipline precisely because they want to understand the decisions of people and businesses and to better understand and evaluate economic policy. To begin to approach these issues as an economist requires an understanding of economic theory, empirical methodology, and an understanding of the institutional details and advanced practice gained from intensive study of specific subfields of economics. Consequently, the undergraduate economics major is organized around a progression of courses that first provides a broad introduction to economics, then develops the theoretical tools that provide the foundation of modern economic thought, and finishes with advanced courses designed to provide greater in-depth knowledge of specific fields (such as labor markets, industrial organization, international economics, public finance, banking and finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and econometrics).