Gain an understanding of historical terms, concepts and skills. Learn about significant individuals, societies, events and issues, and analyse different historical perspectives. Typical A Level subject combinations with history include: History, Politics and Government, History, Geography and Art, History, Politics or Economics and Maths, History, Economics and Geography.<br>In this programme, you will study -<br>A specific period of history in detail<br>Aesthetic history<br>Cultural history<br>Economic history<br>Ethnic history<br>Political history<br>Religious history<br>Scientific history<br>Social history<br>Technological history<br>Many students who study history at A Level use their qualification to progress to a degree in history or a related subject. The types of degree courses, which need or accept history A Level include: Archaeology, Architecture and Anthropology, Classics, History, History of Art, Law, Philosophy, and Politics.<br>A history related degree is useful for many careers. These include: teaching, librarianship, banking and commerce, law, publishing, museums and art galleries and wide variety of social work.