The Conservatory offers graduate programs leading to the following degrees: master of arts in music, master of arts in music (music therapy emphasis), master of fine arts in acting or design and technology, master of music in music composition, conducting, musicology, music theory and performance, master of music education, doctorate of musical arts in music composition, conducting and performance.<br><br>Students graduating from this program will:<br><br>Instrumental: To present three superior level public solo recitals and a lecture recital that are artistically convincing, and historically and theoretically accurate.<br>To understand and be able to communicate the historical and analytical components of music<br>To reflect on broader dimensions of their own musical experience<br>To be familiar with advanced research resources in music<br>Develop competence in the following fundamental performance areas: Technique, Tone, Expression, Intonation and Rhythm<br>Keyboard: To present three superior level public solo recitals and a lecture recital that are artistically convincing, and historically and theoretically accurate<br>To demonstrate an understanding of (and be able to communicate about) the historical and analytical components of music<br>To reflect on and apply the broader dimensions of their own musical experience<br>To demonstrate the ability to research an original topic and present their findings in written and oral forms<br>Voice To present three superior level public solo recitals and a lecture recital which are artistically mature, historically and theoretically informed, and stylistically and linguistically accurate<br>To understand and be able to communicate the historical and analytical components of music, not only in coursework but also in other situations relevant to the degree: lecture recitals, doctoral projects, dissertation, teaching (as a GTA or private teacher elsewhere)<br>To reflect on and apply the broader dimensions of their own musical experiences<br>To demonstrate a familiarity and practical knowledge with advanced research resources in music