Hold or expect to hold by July prior to entry a competitive GPA* from an accredited undergraduate bachelor degree (equivalent to NFQ Level 8).
Present either a competitive Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) or a Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) score.
Applicants whose first language is not English must present a minimum overall average score of 6.5 with no individual section lower than 6.0.in the Opens in new windowIELTS examination (academic stream).
IELTS Indicator
For students impacted by IELTS testing centre closures due to COVID-19, RCSI has approved the use of IELTS Indicator as a temporary measure for our 2021 student intake. The minimum requirement is the same as our standard IELTS requirement, an overall indicated score of 6.5 with no individual band (reading, writing, listening or speaking) lower than 6.0.

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:60
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
RCSI是爱尔兰共和国第一所在2006年引入研究生入学医学(GEM)计划的医学院,使来自各种本科背景的学生能够学习医学。在作为GEM学生的第一年,您将在圣史蒂芬主绿校区的专用教学设施中受教,而在第二年,您将把大部分时间都花在RCSI的专用教学空间中。都柏林布兰查兹敦的康诺利医院。在最后的两年中,您将在都柏林和全国各地的多家医院进行临床轮换,并在GP执业。<br> <br>作为RCSI GEM毕业生,您将为职业做好准备。实际上,您的临床技能培训是从课程的第一天开始的,模拟患者课程是课程的每周特色。您还将有很
RCSI was the first medical school in the Republic of Ireland to introduce a Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) programme in 2006, enabling students from a range of undergraduate backgrounds to study medicine.<br><br>In your first year as a GEM student, you will be taught in a dedicated teaching facility on the main St Stephen's Green campus, while in the second year you will spend most of your time in RCSI's dedicated teaching space at Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown, Dublin. In your final two years, you will be on clinical rotations in a variety of hospitals and GP practices in Dublin and throughout the country.<br><br>As an RCSI GEM graduate, you will be career-ready. In fact, your clinical skills training starts from day one of the programme, with simulated patient sessions a weekly feature of the curriculum.<br><br>You will also have many opportunities to build your career via undergraduate research opportunities, overseas clinical electives in prestigious institutions and a four-week sub-internship programme in final year, in which you will work as a resident-in-training in a hospital in Ireland, the US or Canada.