Official high school/secondary school transcripts with grades from the last three years with a minimum GPA of 2.7 or 660 total on the General Education Development (GED) exam (550 Battery Average prior to 2014). Some majors may have a higher GPA or GED requirement.
IELTS Academic score of at least 6.0 overall band score with a minimum of 5.0 on each subscale
TOEFL Internet-based (iBT) exam score of at least 71

- 雅思总分:6
- 托福网考总分:71
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:USU Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) Placement exam score of at least 146 or above on the IELI General Placement Exam and a passing score of at least 31 or above on the IELI Writing Exam
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
就像安妮·沙利文(Annie Sullivan)为海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)所做的那样,干预者为失聪的孩子打开了世界。犹他州立大学的耳聋干预者培训计划提供有关耳聋的专门培训,以使学生做好准备与在学校,家庭和社区中失聪的个人进行干预。此课程(适用于本科或研究生学分)对教育者,父母以及与失聪儿童和青年一起工作的其他人也很有用。计划完成后,学生将收到计划完成证书,然后可以通过国家教育者资源中心申请国家干预者证书。
Much like Annie Sullivan did for Helen Keller, an intervener opens the world for a child who is deafblind. The Deafblind Intervener Training Program at Utah State University provides specialized training in deafblindness that prepares students to work as interveners with individuals who are deafblind in school, home, and community settings. This coursework (available for undergraduate or graduate credit or CEU's) is completely on-line. It is also useful for educators, parents, and others who work with children and youth who are deafblind. Upon completion of the program, students receive a certificate of completion of the program and can then apply for the National Intervener Credential.