
Master of Science in Nursing (ME-MSN)


University of San Francisco


  • 学历文凭


    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系



  • 开学时间


  • 课程时长


  • 课程学费




rerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better prior to the start date of the semester to which you are applying. AP courses will count toward fulfilling these prerequisite course requirements, as long as you received college credit for the course. The CLEP exam is not accepted as a substitute for these prerequisites. Prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better prior to the start date of the semester to which you are applying. The following prerequisites are required to be considered for admission:

Completion of any Baccalaureate degree or higher, plus:
16 Semester or 24 Quarter credits of natural, behavioral, and/or social sciences*: Includes Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, and Psychology
Human Anatomy - 4 credits: Must be completed within seven (7) years of the semester to which you are applying. Lab must be in person, virtual labs will not be accepted**
Physiology - 4 credits: Must be completed within seven (7) years of the semester to which you are applying. Lab must be in person, virtual labs will not be accepted**
Microbiology - 4 credits: Must be completed within seven (7) years of the semester to which you are applying. Lab must be in person, virtual labs will not be accepted**
1 Psychology course*: Any psychology course will suffice
6 Semester or 9 Quarter credits of Communication*: Must include a College composition course. We can accept a combination of written, oral, and group communication. Please note that the written communication requirement must fulfill the undergraduate writing requirement for the University where you received your Bachelor's degree.
1 Statistics course
Unofficial Transcripts from all colleges/universities attended:
For the Master's Entry MSN option, we require the proof of completion of a Bachelor's degree (in any field) from an accredited institution.
Official or unofficial transcripts should be uploaded through the online application form.
Transcripts must reflect the name of the institution attended, degree earned, grades earned and GPA.
Applicants should ensure that all transcripts are readable once uploaded. Submission of official transcripts is ONLY required for all admitted students who decide to enroll.
We require translated transcripts for all international applicants.
A preferred Bachelor's institution GPA of 3.0 or above
Please note that ME-MSN applicants must have a Bachelor's institution GPA above 2.75 in order to be considered for admissions. The Bachelor's institution GPA is the GPA of coursework taken at your Bachelor's degree-granting institution.
Personal Statement:
Your Master's Entry MSN personal statement is your chance to tell us about:
Your personal and professional background and why you want to pursue a Master of Science degree in Nursing.
Explain any discrepancies between your grades or any circumstances that may have affected your GPA.
Formatting requirements: Please ensure your personal statement is double spaced, 10-12 point font, with 1-inch margins, and a maximum of two (2) pages long.
Professional resum (1-2 page limit)
Two letters of recommendation:
In the online form, enter the names and e-mail addresses for recommenders. They will receive an e-mail from USF with instructions to upload their letter. Please note that letters of recommendation must be on letterhead and signed by the recommender.
For international students only:
For those students seeking an F1 visa, USF is not able to issue an I-20 to a prospective student before they have met all criteria for full-admission. International students are required to submit the following:

Certificate of Finance
Copy of passport
TOEFL, IETLS, or PTE English language proficiency exam

IELTS - 7, TOEFL (IBT) - 100, PTE - 68
  • 雅思总分:7
  • 托福网考总分:100
  • 托福笔试总分:160
  • 其他语言考试:Pearson Test of English - 68

申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


Discover the rewards of graduate nursing at the University of San Francisco (USF) School of Nursing and Health Professions. Unlike traditional programs, the MSN program emphasizes leadership, quality, safety, and evidence-based education. You will learn from a framework that integrates the humanities, public health, and physical and organizational sciences into nursing practice. As a nurse with a USF master's education, you are prepared to lead and succeed in today's complex and dynamic health care system, while also keeping in mind the idea of cura personalis, or care of the whole person. This particularly Jesuit approach to a nursing education ensures that you have a global perspective when making health care decisions.


  • 预科预科
  • 奖学金奖学金
  • 实习机会实习机会
  • 在校学习在校学习
  • 跨境学习跨境学习
  • 校园授课-线上开始校园授课-线上开始
  • 在线/远程学习在线/远程学习





旧金山大学(University of San Francisco)位于素有“西海岸门户”之称的旧金山市,成立于1855年,是一所具有百年声誉的优秀综合性大学,开设了17个本科专业和9个研究生专业。目前共有来自57个国家的8000多名学生在此学习。在2007年美国权威杂志USnews and world report评选出的大学排行榜中,旧金山大学在全美3600多所大学中位列第112位。它的商学院在2005年被华尔街日报评为全球最好的100家商学院之一,其商学院中的entrepreneurship专业在全加州排名第一(超过了斯坦福大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校等世界名校)。旧金山大学是美国职业发展型大学的代表,它的本科教育以创业精神著称于世,被誉为华人董事长的摇篮。(华润置地副董事长王印,JP摩根董事总经理单伟建等均是该校校友。)而研究生教育以创新精神闻名,是美国的一所开办金融分析硕士的大学,体育管理在全美排名第三位,计算机硕士引入的创业能力培养课程在硅谷享有盛誉。在非学术方面,旧金山大学在小班授课和多元化校园等排名中也名列前茅。江泽民总书记在访美时曾专程到旧金山大学访问。       旧金山大学 ( 简称 USF) 成立于 1855 年 , 地处旧金山市,校舍位置得天独厚,矗立在全市七个山峰之一的山顶上,远眺整个风景优美的旧金山湾和金门桥,俯瞰旧金山华埠,而市中心就在脚底。该学校自建校以来,以培养学生刻苦修习学业,服务社会的精神为目的。学校设立的课程和学术研究项目给教师、学生及研究人员各种机会,使他们通过在校的学习、研究工作提高自身的学术素养及专业水平,成为 21 世纪所需要的成功人才。是一所具有百年声誉的优秀综合性大学。




