Extended (3-5 Paragraphs) simple texts in less familiar contexts such as: Instructions for getting to a social event or preparing the evening meal, shopping; Classroom related instructions; Social activities; Recorded messages for mobile phones; A talk or presentation to the class; Conversations; Announcements (loudspeaker); Weather reports; News item on radio, TV, Internet; Short descriptions; Documentaries and films; Simple formatted texts such as charts, signs, outlines in point form, diagrams; Informational written text » news articles » brochure » poster, flyer » dictionaries » directories » online texts. A creative written text such as a poem, song, story, novel, autobiographies and biographies, reflective journals, diaries. Summaries, letters, opinion pieces, simple reports. Procedural texts, instructions. Diagrammatic texts. Entry requirements for ELICOS Intermediate: IELTS 4.0 or equivalent; Prior English language learning at Pre-Intermediate level. Students who cannot provide evidence of their language level will be offered 50 weeks of English, starting at a Pre-Intermediate level. All applicants will be interviewed before their place in the course is confirmed to ensure the course level is appropriate for them. Once onshore, a placement test will be conducted at the beginning of the course to confirm the student’s level or make any necessary adjustment to the course enrolment. Expected exit level for ELICOS Intermediate: IELTS 5.0. Course duration: from 20 weeks Progression to the next level depends on demonstrated proficiency at the current level. Assessment Evidence Requirements: A portfolio of tasks. Each piece of evidence should be from a different genre or context.