i) have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to the degree of Bachelor with Honours Class 1 or Honours Class II, Division 1 or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Assistant Dean (Research Training), or
ii) have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to the degree of Bachelor in the University or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Assistant Dean (Research Training), and have achieved by subsequent work and study a standard recognised by the Assistant Dean (Research Training) as equivalent to at least Honours Class II, Division 1, or
iii) in exceptional cases submit evidence of possessing such other academic or professional qualifications and/or experience as may be approved by the Assistant Dean (Research Training) on the recommendation of the relevant School, or
i) have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to the degree of Bachelor with Honours Class 1 or Honours Class II, Division 1 or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Head of School, or
ii) have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to the degree of Bachelor in the University or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Head of School, and have achieved by subsequent work and study a standard recognised by the Head of School as equivalent to at least Honours Class II, Division 1, or
iii) in exceptional cases submit evidence of possessing such other academic or professional qualifications and/or experience as may be approved by the Head of School, or
iv) in the disciplines of education, medical physics, nursing, social work, social sciences and surgery have completed a minimum standard of professional experience as required by the Head of School, An Australian honours degree with Class 1 or Class 2 division 1. For international students, a four year bachelor degree including a significant research training component attained at a high standard, is commonly considered equivalent to an Australian honours degree, and
IELTS overall minimum - 6.5, IELTS section minimum - 6.0 , TOEFL IBT 79 R: 19 L: 20 S: 20 Writing 24

- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:79
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE- 58
CRICOS代码: 000879M
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
纽卡斯尔大学拥有澳大利亚最受好评的英语系之一。我们提供一支充满活力的创新团队,在文学和写作方法上将批评与创造力完美融合。凭借我们在研究和监督中的可靠记录,研究专业的博士学位和硕士学位的学生将受益于涵盖广泛学科的专业知识:文艺复兴时期/ 19世纪文学,现代/当代文学,后殖民研究,儿童文学,土着研究和创意写作。我们的写作程序是该国最古老,最成功的程序之一。它产生了令人羡慕的作家名单,这些作家曾获得昆士兰州总理短篇小说奖,英联邦图书奖和新南威尔士州总理文学奖的悉尼科技大学格兰达·亚当斯新写作奖。通过与猎人作家中
The University of Newcastle has one of the top-rated English departments in Australia. We offer a dynamic, innovative team offering a unique blend of criticism and creativity in its approach to literature and writing. With our proven records in research and supervision, PhD and Masters by Research students will benefit from expertise that covers a wide range of subjects: Renaissance 19th Century Literature, Modern Contemporary Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Children's Literature, Indigenous Studies and Creative Writing. Our writing program is one of the oldest and most successful programs in the country. It has produced an enviable list of writers who have won top awards like the Queensland Premier's Award for Short Fiction, The Commonwealth Book Prize, and the UTS Glenda Adams Award for New Writing in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards. With our close links with the Hunter Writers Centre and the Newcastle Writers Festival, our team of engaged and experienced supervisors provide a nurturing environment for writers to develop creative projects to their full potential.