如果您已达到奥克兰大学研究生学习的学术要求,但又略微错过了英语要求,则EPPS很适合。该途径可确保您获得研究生和博士课程所需的英语水平和学术素养。成功完成学术学习课程所需成绩的EPPS课程将满足入读奥克兰大学的英语语言要求。<br>课程长度<br> 11月份提供加速的7周EPPS,EPPS商务硕士课程于一月份运行)
EPPS is for students who hold a conditional offer for postgraduate study at the University of Auckland or other New Zealand tertiary institutions, and, who have narrowly missed the English language requirements. Students who successfully complete this programme with the required grade, will meet the English language requirements for university study. This short intensive programme focuses on developing the language proficiency and academic literacy needed for postgraduate studies through English. Also, students in this programme can have full access to the University of Auckland Library and learning services.<br><br>English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies (EPPS) is for students:<br>who hold a conditional offer for postgraduate study at the University of Auckland or other New Zealand tertiary institutions, and,<br>who have narrowly missed the English language requirements<br>Students who successfully complete this programme with the required grade, will meet the English language requirements for university study.<br>This short intensive programme focuses on developing the language proficiency and academic literacy needed for postgraduate studies through English. Also, students in this programme can have full access to the University of Auckland Library and learning services.