本课程面向计划在TAFE SA或大学进修的具有良好英语语言能力的学生。通过我们经验丰富的老师的专业培训,您将获得在澳大利亚学术环境中实现目标所需的学术英语技能。在整个课程中,您将得到持续评估,并定期提供反馈和及时干预,以确保您的英语水平始终在提高。我们的EAP 20课程可以直接通往TAFE SA奖励课程和南澳大利亚大学的本科课程。
This course is designed for students with intermediate level -English language skills (equivalent to IELTS 4.5-5.0) who are planning to do further study at TAFE SA or university, or those who simply wish to further their English language and academic skills (English only) The expert tuition by our highly trained and experienced teachers will help you to gain the skills needed to reach your goals in the Australian academic environment, including: - Speaking, listening, reading and writing for academic and vocational contexts - Academic study skills, including group work, formal speaking and time management - Effective communication skills - Orientation to tertiary study in Australia
Course Admission Requirements
A general or academic IELTS score of 4.5 with a minimum of 4.5 in all bands or equivalent. Any student wishing to enter an award course which requires 6.0 IELTS or equivalent entry will need to enter EAP 20 with 5.0 IELTS in all bands. Onshore students can sit a pre-entry test at the English Language Centre. In order to receive the EAP completion certificate and recommendation for a future course, students must undertake a minimum of 10 weeks of study (weeks 11-20).
Course Notes
Students who need to exit this qualification with an IELTS of 5.5 (a Pass grade) will either need:
a) an entry level of General or Academic IELTS 4.5 overall with a minimum of 4.5 in all bands or equivalent and commence in Term 1 (January) or Term 3 (July) for 20 weeks.
b) an entry level of General or Academic IELTS 5.0 overall with a minimum of 5.0 in reading and writing and 4.5 in listening and speaking or equivalent and commence in Term 2 (April) or Term 4 (SeptemberOctober) for 10 weeks.
Students who need to exit this qualification with an IELTS 6.0 (a Credit grade) will either need:
a) an entry level of General or Academic IELTS 5.0 overall with a minimum of 5.0 in reading and writing and 4.5 in speaking and listening or equivalent and commence in Term 1 (January) or Term 3 (July) for 20 weeks.
b) an entry level of General or Academic IELTS 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in reading and writing and 5.0 in listening and speaking or equivalent and commence in Term 2 (April) or Term 4 (SeptemberOctober) for 10 weeks.
-Developing academic skills: writing, listening and note taking, reading, comprehension, academic language for oral presentations and seminars, study skills and research skills
-Developing grammar, pronunciation and computer literacy
-Developing specific vocabulary for your future course
-Improving your group interaction skills to work closely with other students in Australia or internationally.
Employment Outcomes
Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.
Qualifications & Skills Covered
English for Academic Purposes 20
Course focus:
developing high-level academic skills in writing, listening and note taking
reading, comprehension, academic language for oral presentations and seminars
study skills and research skills
developing grammar, pronunciation and academic skills
advanced preparation for IELTS
test-taking techniques and practice tests
developing specific vocabulary for future study
improving group interaction skills to work closely with other students in Australia or internationally.
- You will be continually assessed throughout the course, with regular feedback and timely intervention to ensure your English is always improving.
Our EAP 20 course can serve as a direct pathway to TAFE SA award courses and undergraduate courses at South Australian universities