在EC布赖顿学习剑桥考试(ESOL)准备课程,您将获得自信和对自己能力的信心,可以参加考试,获得所需的支持。一旦您通过了剑桥考试,您便拥有了生命的资格,这一事实将为您打开一扇门,扩大了视野,开辟了一个全新的可能性世界。在布莱顿,有很多社交活动可让您充分利用自己的时间:美丽的乡村漫步,与学生和工作人员的酒吧之夜,小镇的徒步旅行和传奇的“ EC派对”,与您一起度过一个有趣的夜晚新朋友和老师。我们还提供“ Academic Extras”作为课程的补充,包括参加讲座,发音诊所,对话课,并有机会获得英国,大学和继
Study Cambridge Exam (ESOL) Preparation at EC Brighton and you'll be given the support needed to enter the exam feeling confident and sure of your ability. Once you've passed the Cambridge Exam you have the qualification for life, a fact which will open doors, expand your horizons and open a whole new world of possibilities. There are plenty of social activities to make the most of your time in Brighton: a beautiful country walk, a pub night with students and staff, a walking tour of the town and the legendary ''EC Party'', a fun night out with your new friends and teachers. We also offer ''Academic Extras'' to supplement the course, which include attending lectures, a pronunciation clinic, conversation class, and the opportunity to receive guidance on job searching in the UK, university and further education. Prepare for the Cambridge Exam in Brighton for a unique and life-changing experience in one of the world's greatest cities. Your EC experience will include fun, interesting lessons and professional teachers who want to see you succeed. We offer a choice of: FCE (First Certificate in English), which is suitable if you are confident using a wide range of spoken and written English. CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), which is what you need if you can use your English skills for most professional and academic purposes.