High School Transcript is required
An official transcript (preferred) includes the school's official seal or the signature of a school administrator and is either sent directly from the school or submitted in an envelope sealed by the school. Your high school counselor can also email a high school transcript and it will be considered official if submitted from a school email address as verification.
Unofficial transcripts are sufficient to complete your application file
Your transcript must show:
Grades received through the end of the junior year
Electronic copies are accepted through a secure source (i.e. Parchment, Naviance, TRex, Slate.org, Scribbles, National Clearinghouse, SCOIR and Greenlight).
Paper transcripts may be mailed to the following address and are received in 2-4 weeks.
Official IELTS score of 6.5
Official TOEFL score of 80
GPA - 3.0
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE - 60
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
The Business Fellows program provides a unique opportunity to blend a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with other areas of study. The flexibility of the degree plan gives students the opportunity to pick up another major within the business school, a minor or major in a different school of study, or study abroad. Course available include:<br>Business Law<br>Law and Economics<br>Introduction to Finance<br>Managerial Accounting<br>Management Information Systems<br>Business Fellows students build their own major, and along with it, their own career path. Each student is assigned a faculty adviser who helps the student map out their post-graduation goals and plans, whether it's a specific career or graduate school.<br>The Fellows program highly encourages studying abroad for either a summer or semester. The Hankamer School of Business offers several study abroad programs all over the world as well as student exchange programs.