我们打算将全日制MBA集中在供应链管理中,这是我们旨在带领该领域的课程。目前,该课程在Gartner的排名中名列全国第13位,并且迅速上升,我们的课程为您提供东北大学建立在¢上的体验式教育。 ,以及随之而来的技能和敏锐度,可以将您的职业提升到一个新的水平。我们的计划始于学术实力雄厚的课程基础,该课程的基础是美国最好的教师设计和领导,该领域的业内领先教授被广泛认为是该领域的专家。您将学习如何在与教授,来访的高管和来自不同背景的学生的协作环境中管理供应链,推动创新,建立市场差异化并积极影响利润。
Emerging technology has redefined how we do business—creating demand for adaptable, curious leaders who can turn challenges into growth. When you earn your Full-Time MBA at D’Amore-McKim School of Business, you’ll develop the business skills and entrepreneurial mindset to excel in this dynamic environment.Building on a strong foundation of core business concepts, you’ll begin customizing your coursework in your second semester to create the unique blend of expertise that best serves your career goals. You’ll study with faculty who are thought leaders and entrepreneurs, exploring real-world case studies that bring your learnings to life. Throughout your program, you’ll have transformational experiences that amplify your learning—including Northeastern’s signature corporate residency, where you can earn a salary at a leading firm as a valued team member.