INTO CSU在全球,社会和可持续企业中的研究生衔接课程将为您进入科罗拉多州立大学攻读硕士学位课程的第二年做好准备。成功完成“研究生衔接课程”计划并满足大学对研究生入学的要求后,您可以进入科罗拉多州立大学的下一学期研究生学习课程。从INTO研究生衔接课程过渡到大学学位课程的过程称为升学。通过在所选学科领域中积极学习来发展您的知识和技能。确保为所有成功的学生提供大学安置。适应在美国学习,特别注重学习和研究技能。提高英语水平,并为所选学位课程开发词汇。完成课程工作后,学生将有机会通过实习应用他们的知识和技能
INTO CSU's Graduate Pathway program in Global, Social and Sustainable Enterprise will prepare you to enter the second year of a master's degree program at Colorado State University. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Pathway program and meeting university requirements for graduate admission, you may enter your next semester of graduate study at Colorado State University. This transition from an INTO Graduate Pathway program to a university degree program is called progression. Develop your knowledge and skills through active learning in your chosen subject area. Guaranteed university placement for all successful students. Adapt to studying in the US with a strong focus on study and research skills. Improve your English level and develop the vocabulary for your chosen degree subject. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills through internships after completing course work.