Official transcript/record from each high school (secondary school) you have attended.
The IB and AP testing scores are not required for admission but may help to support your academic record.
You will be required to present the following results: GPA 2.75 (out of 4.0)
IELTS - 6.5
Duolingo - 110
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Pearsons 58
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
康复科学系提供健康科学理学学士学位/修复与矫正理学硕士学位(MSPO)。合并课程(BS / MSPO)的毕业生已准备好应对我们不断变化的医疗保健体系在知识,社会,文化和经济方面的挑战。假肢专家为部分或完全没有肢体的个体设计,制造和安装称为假肢(人工肢体)的设备。骨科医生设计并安装了称为矫形器(矫形支架)的设备,以增强功能并为肢体和脊椎残疾的患者提供护理。新的设计创新和技术进步为使用假肢或矫形器的人们带来了巨大的收益。例如,可以通过改善步态稳定性和步行模式效率的微处理器来控制高级假肢膝盖。配备了蓝牙设备的牙
The Combined BS/MSPO is a 5-year program. Students enter the program as freshmen, complete the undergraduate BS in Health Sciences, and elevate into the professional MSPO program. Prosthetics and Orthotics is an exciting combination of material science, engineering and health care that makes the prosthetist/orthotist a uniquely qualified member of the health care team. Our combined BS/MSPO program prepares graduates to meet the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic challenges of our changing healthcare system. The curriculum combines a liberal arts education with a strong science core to provide the foundation for success in professional practice.<br><br>Prosthetists design, fabricate, and fit devices known as prostheses (artificial limbs) for individuals who have partial or total absence of a limb.<br><br>Orthotists design and fit devices known as orthoses (orthopedic braces) to enhance function and provide care for patients who have disabling conditions of the limbs and spine.<br><br>New design innovations and advances in technology offer dramatic benefits to people who use prostheses or orthoses. For example, advanced prosthetic knees can be controlled by microprocessors that improve gait stability and walking pattern efficiency. Orthoses equipped with Bluetooth devices can electronically interface with nerves to enhance motor control. The National Commission on Orthotics and Prosthetic Education (NCOPE) mandated that all prosthetics and orthotic educational programs be elevated to the master's degree level by 2012. Our currently accredited Prosthetics and Orthotics Program offered in partnership with Hanger Clinic has been licensed by the Department of Higher Education, State of Connecticut. We are one of 13 accredited MSPO programs in the United States.