Fill out and submit the first part of the Academic Program and the Supplementary Form.
Register for 2 courses during the first semester and EMSE-499, Materials Engineering Colloquium.
Register for EMSE-701 Dissertation PhD (usually 3 credit hours / units) during the first semester. Note that registration for EMSE-701 is not permitted before the Academic Program form is turned in.The student's Academic Program is a list of the courses the student will take to fulfill the PhD requirements, will be discussed and updated as needed at the time of the Thesis Proposal Evaluation.
A PhD student must take a minimum of 18 credit hours (units) of EMSE 701 Dissertation Ph.D. and must continue registration each subsequent regular semester (Fall and Spring) until the dissertation is complete, unless granted a leave of absence.
The time limit for the PhD program is 5 years for full-time students, starting with the first semester of EMSE 701 Dissertation Ph.D. registration
IELTS - 7.0, TOEFL internet-based - 90 , TOEFL paper-based - 577

- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:90
- 托福笔试总分:577
- 其他语言考试:Pearson Test of English (PTE-Academic) is accepted with a minimum score of 61.
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
该系提供通往理学硕士和哲学博士学位的课程。金属,陶瓷,电子材料和复合材料的理论,特性和工程行为包含在该部门的学术课程和研究中。专业的主要领域是材料加工,机械性能,表面和微结构表征,环境影响以及电子材料。博士生必须至少修读18个学分的EMSE 701博士学位。并且必须在随后的每个常规学期(秋季和春季)继续注册,直到论文完成为止,除非准予休假。全日制学生的博士学位课程的期限为5年,从EMSE 701博士学位论文的第一学期开始。注册。博士学位的最低课程要求是超出BS水平的12门课程(36个学时),其中至少6门课
Advance the forefront of materials science and engineering by developing new theories and models or innovative approaches to materials processing, microcharacterization or engineering of materials with novel properties. If you want to achieve the highest acumen in the field of advanced materials, then a PhD is essential for career success. Pursuing a PhD gives you an extended period of time to conduct your own research, carve out your space as an independent scientist, and advance the field. Youll publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals, create a vision for your future career path and develop personal skills that will enable you to serve in leadership positions.<br><br>At the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, we develop materials engineering leaders by combining the best attributes of small and large graduate programs to offer you both personalized attention from faculty members and access to world-class equipment and mentorship from internationally renowned researchers.