MSc degree in Physics or closely related field with first class standing
Exceptional students with a BSc degree may be admitted to the direct-entry PhD program. Such students must have an academic average of A or higher in an honours Physics program or a program of comparable rigour in a closely related field. All applicants to the MSc program will automatically be considered for admission to the direct-entry PhD program. MSc. applicants interested in direct-entry PhD are not required to submit a separate application for PhD.
Upload transcripts in .pdf format from each post-secondary institution attended. Transcripts should not be password protected. Only those applicants offered admission to the program will be required to provide official transcripts issued directly from their institution(s).
Submit your statement of intent
GRE scores are not required.
IELTS - Minimum required score 7.0 (Academic) with at least 6.5 for each component.
TOEFL IBT - Overall Score - 93, Writing and Speaking- 22, TOEFL Paper-based Test - Overall Score 580 TWE 4

- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:93
- 托福笔试总分:580
- 其他语言考试:Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE) - Required score - 76 (with at least 22 in each component and 32 in the writing component)
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
物理系提供研究生课程,导致理学硕士和哲学博士学位。该系在以下领域进行实验和理论物理学的研究:大气物理学,地球物理学,量子光学,凝聚态物理学,亚原子物理学和天体物理学以及生物物理学。该系与加拿大理论天体物理学研究所(CITA)有着密切的联系。该协会使我们的学生能够与被任命为CITA或正在访问CITA的顶尖理论家一起工作并进行咨询。<br> <br>当今的高能物理学是25个世纪寻求理解原子能的高潮。物质的最终性质。多伦多大学是加拿大在基本粒子物理学和相对论方面最活跃的团体之一。在过去的30年中,粒子物理学的标
The Department of Physics offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The department carries out research in experimental and theoretical physics in the following fields: atmospheric physics, geophysics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, subatomic physics and astrophysics, and biophysics. The department has close ties with the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA). This association enables students to work and consult with leading theorists who are appointed to, or who are visiting, CITA. Students are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. The department provides financial support for one year of the MSc and four years of the PhD program (five years for direct-entry PhD).<br>The LHC came into operation at CERN in 2010, and now defines the energy frontier where we can study the highest energy particle interactions made in the laboratory. Our experimental group plays a leading role in the scientific studies, maintenance, operations and potential upgrades of the ATLAS experiment. We were involved in the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson, which gives rise to the mass of all of the fundamental particles in the Standard Model of particle physics. We are now engaged in detailed studies of the Higgs boson and the top quark, as well as in searches for new particles that will lead us to a deeper understanding of how our universe is structured. In addition to our physics studies, we continue to maintain the ATLAS forward calorimeter, that was partially assembled on campus in Toronto and we are actively involved in building over 1000 silicon tracker modules for the ATLAS tracker upgrade that will be installed, at CERN, in the second half of this decade.