n addition to meeting the application and admissions requirements of the Graduate School, students must submit:
Three letters of recommendation (at least two from individuals with earned doctorates, preferably prior instructors).
A copy of a paper you have written on a scholarly topic, as a writing sample.
A professional resume.
Evidence of above-average academic records. A GPA of 3.5 or higher is preferred.
IELTS - 6.5 , TOEFL -79
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:79
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:PTE (A) - 53
申请截止日期: 请与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。
博士 咨询课程基于研究人员从业人员模型,主要旨在培训研究人员,学者,院士和高技能的从业人员。咨询与家庭治疗学系的教职员工相信,寻求博士学位的个人。应该对培训进行良好的培训,以进行在学术,研究和服务提供环境中有价值的活动。博士 加深学生的理解力,并建立完善的研究,教学,监督,咨询以及领导和倡导技能。密苏里大学 路易斯(UMSL)博士 该计划获得了咨询和相关教育计划认证理事会(CACREP)的认可委员会的高级认证,这是密苏里州唯一获得CACREP认证的医生咨询计划。该系的教职员工希望提供一个全国认可的有价值的
The Ph.D. program in counseling is based on a researcher practitioner model, it is primarily designed to train researchers, scholars, academicians, and highly skilled practitioners with an emphasis on promoting social justice. We train Ph.D. students with the skills, attitudes, and knowledge valued in academic, research, and service-providing settings. Our program infuses social justice throughout the curriculum and prepares students to acknowledge and validate their clients complex and diverse cultural identities and fight against systemic issues of racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, and other forms of social injustices. The Ph.D. deepens a student's counseling knowledge and builds refined research, teaching, supervision, counseling, and leadership and advocacy skills.<br>Our program consistently attracts diverse students from across the nation as well as internationally. Students achieve high levels of competency in the areas of research, supervision, teaching, leadership and advocacy, and clinical work. Faculty offer intentional and ongoing support to Ph.D. students throughout their time in the program to help ensure their success.<br>UMSL's PhD in Education, Emphasis in Counseling program holds advanced accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) the only doctoral counseling program in Missouri that holds this prestigious accreditation. It is also one of the only counseling PhD programs in the country that offers students the opportunity to complete a multiple-article dissertation format which puts students in a better position to publish multiple articles from their dissertations.<br>The Ph.D. program is a beacon of quality and excellence in training scholars, researchers, academicians, and practitioners in the field. Our program deepens students' counseling knowledge and builds refined research, teaching, supervision, counseling, leadership, and advocacy skills. Students are lead by a faculty of exceptional teachers who are experts in their respective fields, ensuring the highest level of quality in education and mentorship.<br>The Ph.D. degree internship (a 600-contact hour field experience) requires a combination of research activity, graduate teaching, supervision experience with master's-level students, leadership and advocacy, and counseling practice in a balanced that students design with the advisors and committees to meet their unique career goals. The Department has a counseling social-justice-focused training center on campus, the Counseling and Social Advocacy Center (CSAC), where students get practical experience under close supervision.